Insights > IR Website Makeovers Are More than Cosmetic; They’re Critical

IR Website Makeovers Are More than Cosmetic; They’re Critical

Key considerations to help maximize the value of an IR website and make the investment narrative shine online.

Investors value IR websites more than many companies realize

While investors often look to financial news organizations and outlets such as Bloomberg and Wall Street Journal to keep abreast of public companies, when they want to learn more about a specific organization’s investment narrative, the first place they go is the company’s IR website. Investors frequent these sites in search of the most up-to-date financial details for informing investment decisions, making the IR site a critical medium for conveying a company’s investment thesis. According to an IR Magazine report published last year, 65 percent of institutional investors say they find IR websites very useful when looking to invest in a company; 63 percent find them very useful for keeping tabs on companies in which they already invest.

That said, first impressions matter on these sites. The IR website is the company’s chance to make an impact, hook the audience, and entice investors to want to learn more.

However, investors are also likely to keep coming back for regular updates, so IR website maintenance and ongoing improvements are crucial, too. Companies cannot afford to let their IR sites go stagnant and instead need to keep investing in ensuring sites remain fresh, compelling, and attractive over time, especially as technology changes and ways of accessing information evolve.

Regular IR website refreshes can influence how investors and analysts make investment decisions

Given the important role an IR website plays in communicating with stakeholders, regular website reviews—along with the occasional revamp—are well worth the time and effort. Here are some key considerations for IROs to keep in mind during the next site update, all of which can boost site appeal and effectiveness and keep an IR website functioning at its best:

Give a design glow up. Almost as important as the information on the IR website is the way that information is presented. A compelling design featuring contemporary fonts and images that appropriately reflect the corporate brand will be an integral part of establishing and conveying credibility and professionalism.

Make it functional. Intuitive navigation will enable potential investors to quickly locate the information most pertinent to them. Remember that no matter how good the design is, attention spans are short. By prioritizing a site’s level of accessibility, companies enhance the user experience for investors and keep visitors engaged. Once investors find the right content, it’s important to keep text concise and to the point. Avoid technical language and instead opt for a writing style that communicates key highlights in clear and memorable ways that resonate.

Make it modern. To add modern and interesting elements to your IR website, consider incorporating digital assets such as videos and graphics to highlight your company’s investment story and value proposition.

Provide content investors want most.  The most effective IR websites allow investors to find and view content in a way that is intuitive, multi-channel, visual, and meaningful. We recommend including the following key components on the IR site:

  • an enticing and easily digestible overview that entices investors to remain on the site and look deeper,
  • a compelling investment thesis that includes competitive differentiators and the value proposition,
  • quick access to the latest quarterly financial information, linked to a full repository of quarterly and annual financial data and SEC filings,
  • intuitive news, events and presentation archives,
  • a dedicated section for sustainability data and disclosures,
  • a separate section for governance and leadership

Pick an appropriate template. Companies generally take one of three different paths for an IR website redesign. The most economical approach is to use one of the templates from your website vendor’s template library. By utilizing a prefabricated template and incorporating your Company’s brand guidelines, this is literally a plug and play option. Website vendors typically offer a library of various templates to choose from with different layouts and navigation. These designs often serve their purpose, but do not give companies the ability to seamlessly integrate the IR site with the corporate site because there is no customization.

A semi-custom site allows some flexibility and choice in terms of layout and navigation, which can help create a link between the IR site and the corporate site.

Lastly, companies can opt for a fully custom IR website. This allows complete layout and design flexibility, but it comes at the highest cost.

A middle-of-the-road solution serves most companies well. We like the option of a customized IR home page that ties closely with the corporate site but sits on top of a standard template offered by the IR website designers. Companies can make a statement and reinforce corporate brand on the homepage while still cost-effectively delivering the content investors want and need.

Choose website vendors wisely. The IR website vendor can make or break a site’s success, making it mission critical to select the right one. Be sure to look for a vendor that works with public companies and understands the regulations and requirements pertaining to the site. Ensure that your vendor uses a direct feed to SEC filings and the newswire services. With this capability, every new SEC filing or news release is automatically pulled down to the IR site. Before agreeing to partner with any website design firm, it’s a good idea to ask for a demonstration of this functionality and an explanation of exactly how the interface works.

Keep in mind that IR website redesigns can range dramatically in price from $10,000 to more than $100,000. It’s important to set the budget, understand the deliverables, and weigh all options carefully before deciding on the vendor.

Attract and retain more investors with a best-in-class IR website

IR websites are more than a place to publish investment narratives online. They are increasingly serving as critical communications tools that can and should reinforce brand identity and help companies engage with their stakeholders in meaningful ways. IR website design, layout, and content all matter and can play an important role in attracting and retaining investors. Give all the options and decisions—including choice of template and vendor—the attention they deserve and build an IR website that lives up to its full potential.

Need help evaluating or revamping your IR website, planning the implementation, or crafting the right content? Contact us for expert advice and support from our strategic communications professionals.

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