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IPO Readiness: Part 4 – Navigating the IPO Process: Lessons Learned Leading up to Registration Statement Effectiveness

Join the webinar on July 25, 2024 – with free CPE credit for live attendees.

Unlock Greater Value with Your BlackLine Investment

Automation technology is transforming the way companies do business, empowering them to shed outdated, manual procedures and focus on more strategic initiatives.

Key Takeaways from InTheBlack 2019

As a BlackLine sponsor, Riveron attended the InTheBlack conference to discuss best practices and exciting new trends with customers and other partner firms. Here are our key takeaways from the conference.

How to Prepare for a Successful System Implementation

In this joint webinar with IMA, Riveron experts Junaid Samnani, Joel Frantz, Ben Novak, and Jacob Wolfe dive into each step a company should consider and complete prior to implementation using real-life experiences, considerations, and best practices.

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